Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I am Behind- no not I am a behind!

Good glory! I really have been busy. What is up with not writing in a week? That makes 2 weeks in a row I've done that. Guess it really is good that this blog is ultimately for me because honey, I sho' can't make no money writing if I don't write, right? Clear as mud, huh. Sure hope nobody in my family needs an alibi for the past week, including me. Lawd, that's why I started journaling. Well, not for the alibli factor, but because I wanted to remember stuff. Important stuff. Dumb stuff. And sometimes, just stuff. Heck, it took me 20 minutes to remember what I had for breakfast - today. Yikes! And, apparently, it's as hard for me to find my laptop sometimes as it was to find my journal and a pen. I really did write nearly every day but occasionally, I did have lapses like this one. Some of my journals have lapses here and yonder of a week or two then...bam! Back to the every day entries, back to the important stuff, dumb stuff and stuffy stuff. Good thing I wasn't in charge of copying down stuff Jesus and the disciples said!

It has been a wonderful week in the preschool neighborhood. Our class is so precious and sweet. It is amazing how 17 little personalities can mesh and blend and all can be well, almost all day. God has truly blessed Ann and me with a great start. If these last few weeks are a portion of what is to come, our year will be amazing. Every year is different; every year has its challenges and triumphs. Every year I fall in love with each child and treasure their memory. I wouldn't trade any year I've taught. Working with 3's is where my heart is so I suppose I'm a bit biased in my feelings for this year. I feel like I've come home again.

School, work, Scout's band practice, church...this week at the Remsen adobe has been uneventful - thank you Jesus! Life is supposed to be only interrupted by emergencies; mine often feels like a constant emergency interrupted by brief periods of normalcy. Every time I share that with someone they tell me that at times they feel the same way. So, I suppose normal really is just a setting on the dryer! (Thanks to Liz Curtis Higgs for that little gem.) If you're looking for normal at my house, keep walking sistah..keep hiking bruddah 'cause we are fresh out here! But if you want a hot meal, a laugh, a prayer and some love, well step on over the threshold and make yourself to home.

One very exciting and definitely unexpected surprise occurred today. I received a notification from the Augusta National that I have been moved from the waiting list to the patron list; I will receive badges for the Masters Tournament, beginning 2010. Yahoo!!! When the National purged the old waiting list, I was lucky enough for my name to be drawn from the practice round ticket holders and placed on the new waiting list. There was no guarantee of how long I would wait to receive badges; only a guarantee that sometime in the "foreseeable future" my name would be placed on the patron list. The foreseeable future turned out to be about five years - not bad considering some people have been waiting for twenty years. Thank you God, for such a lovely surprise. And no readers, you cannot have my tickets. I haven't had regular access to a badge since I was a teenager and Daddy got badges. For years I've gone to the tournament on the good grace of others. When I was chosen to receive the practice round tickets it was a wonderful bonus to receive as well. I just wish my sweet daddy were alive. My first urge was to call him and tell him. Of course he is in a place more beautiful than the Augusta National golf course and I wouldn't take him away from the presence of our Heavenly Father even if I could. It's just that this is another one of those things that makes me miss Daddy.He would have been so happy and excited. When I called Mama, the joy in her voice was almost palpable; the happiness she felt at something she knew I really wanted was just how we want our mothers to react. Mama said she also knew Daddy would've been thrilled for me. Okay, enough crepe hanging. Daddy would say, "Get on with it, girl!"

So...Whoo Hoo!!! I'm getting Masters badges, I'm getting Masters badges!! But that doesn't catch up my blog. I'm still behind BUT no, I am not a behind!

Love to all y'all (but you still can't have my badges!)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Playing Catch-up

Wow, it's been 1 week since I last journaled. It is so easy to lose track of time, especially when there's lots on the family schedule. When things are busy I'm prone to get a little addlepated And then there's the fact that some days I'm the windshield and some days, I'm the bug!

I'm off on Fridays but Scout marches in Greenbrier's band on Friday nights. That means getting her back at school about 1 1/2 hours or so before the game starts. No time for supper but she doesn't like marching on a full stomach and doesn't like eating at the game. But she does drink water like it's all scheduled for evaporation in the next 24 hours! After the game is when she's hungry enough to eat a water buffalo, fresh on the hoof. Friday night it was a Wendy's burger and about a gallon of Co-cola. There we all were at midnight, around the table, scarfing burgers. Good times!
Those band geeks have such a good time together! They all have these crazy nicknames and slogans for their sections. Delaney's nickname is oddly enough not "Scout" but is "Delanore" which is what her cousin calls her. By the way, band geek is their term and they are proud of it. So proud, in fact, that when a girl at school tried to hurt Scout's feelings by calling her a "band nerd" my baby's response was, "Well, if you insist on call me names at least get it right. I'm not a band nerd, I'm a band geek!" Hilarious!! Scout did pay attention to some things I've taught her. I've told her more than once that if you make fun of yourself first, it defuses the situation; giving the bully no where to go is frustrating and they usually give up and just go away. And there is always the "worst" thing you can do to a bully - pray for them, yikes!! We did that once. We began praying about a young lady who was making it her mission in life to hound and belittle Delaney. We even asked our prayer warriors, one Wednesday night at church. to pray for the bully and for God to intervene on Delaney's behalf. The bully was amazingly transferred out of every class she & Delaney shared - the NEXT day. Sometimes when His answer is "yes," it is also immediate.

Sunday morning Pastor Bill was continuing his sermons based on Exodus. During his message he was speaking about resting on the Sabbath. At the invitation he asked to pray for anyone who felt weary, "give out", just plain exhausted. Delaney & I went forward to pray with our youth pastor, Bryan Carter. Delaney had an especially long, exhausting week - long band practices including an extra one, lots of tests & homework, Wednesday night service, Friday night ball game. We asked Bryan to pray that God would give Scout an extra portion of strength and at the same time, the discernment to know when to say "enough" and when to rest. It was such a sweet time between the 3 of us and our Heavenly Daddy.
Wished I would've asked him to pray about Scout driving us home from church. But as I am alive to journal He obviously had His eye on this sparrow...driving a truck.

Come Monday I found out that, over the weekend. one of my younguns @ school had bonked his head and required 2 stitches. He was fine to come to school and we were asked to just make sure he didn't re-injure the area. After 2.5 seconds outside, He promptly banged his head on the play equipment! Different area on the head, halleluYER, and no blood. And 10 minutes later, BLAM! Yep, he hit his head again - different spot, no blood. We encouraged him to sit in the shade and play playground guard; he liked that new game and managed to escape further injury that day. Believe it or not...he repeated this scenario on Tuesday. It's that "weebles wabble but they don't fall down" thing when a kid's head is out-of-proportion to their body. I think bubble wrap or a personal safety spotter may be the answer in this case!

Enjoyed a treasure dig at the Salvation Army on Tuesday afternoon while Scout was @ band practice. Found 6 great childrens' books and paid $1.30 total ; 4 were hardbacks, all were in great condition.Actually found a lot more but I restrained myself. Found a new Target-brand Christmas wreath; am going to spray paint it black and decorate w/mini-pumpkins and other Halloween decorations. Just saw that idea in some Autumn/Halloween idea article - paid $1.29 for the wreath, yay! Big package of silk leaves, originally from Michael's, still in original packaging - 59 cents, yay! Alone time paired with inexpensive retail therapy - priceless!

And now comes the "BOOOO" part of the week. On Wednesday morning I awoke with a flaming case of the crud, a/k/a the epizutic, the pharfalonis of the blowhole, the icky. Couldn't go to work unless I planned to share this lovely plague. I don't really relish the idea of 16 sets of parents storming my home and dousing me in Lysol in retaliation for giving them the gift that keeps on giving - giving until all family members have been recipients of my unselfish generosity. And sometimes that stuff goes around twice, yippee! Went to the doctor today; she peered into my ear, visibly stepped back, and exclaimed, "Gosh, it looks awful in there. No wonder you feel like crap." My sentiments exactly. Her directness is one of the reasons I love Dr. Mason-Woodard. She confirmed I didn't have porcine pestilence - swine flu - but just good old-fashioned crud. Crud is such an apt name, who cares about the Latin! (Technically speaking however, I have ear infections and sinusitis. Yes, you read it right -ear infections, plural. As in both ears. Yikes!) A few hours after the first mega-dose of antibiotics I feel better already. And I found the joy in this situation: transportation to a doctor; health insurance; the money for the co-payment; the money for the "crud curing" medicine; and finally, a teenager to wait on me, to be at my beck-and-call, halleluYER!!

Now I must sleep.
Love to all y'all.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Guess "Journaling" isn't a clever title for today but as this is my blog, I suppose I'm free to be as creative- or not- as I please. Today's entry, and I'm sure some yet to come, will read more like a recitation of the events of my life. It is meant to be an online journal and not a column. It does give me joy to know there are folks who read this; if you do, please give me grace on the days I fall short of your expectations. I fall short of my own expectations so much I should wear some sort of protective gear, like one wears to skateboard, only designed to protect me emotionally. Guess that's kind of what God's grace and mercy is all about. We weren't promised an easy ride, just some cushions in the wagon.

Scout and I had a quiet night at the old adobe. "McGyver" here rustled up some good groceries for the two of us. My poor Scout is nearly worn to a nub - a nub I say - from 3-a-week marching band practices followed by Friday night games. And that's in addition to homework and Wednesday night worship. No wonder she needs a nap in the afternoons and sleeps until noon on Saturdays. Honey, that girl has always needed her sleep and is absolutely poisonous when sleep-deprived! But come Sunday, she is always raring to go to Sunday school and the morning and evening services; same gusto come Wednesday evening for Youth Worship. Jesus seems to be her "Red Bull." Hallelujah!!

Today was another lovely day in the preschool neighborhood. We have such as sweet little class. We are having a good time, learning through play about God and the beautiful world He created for us. Ann and I feel so blessed that we keep waiting for the proverbial "other shoe" to drop and things to fall apart. It is certainly to God's glory, not ours, that our plans are coming together and the children are thriving . It does help to always have a "Plan B" in our hip pocket. Some days you do have to fake it 'til ya' make it! It is such a blessing that no matter what is going on in my life, in the world, in other classrooms - when we shut our classroom door, all is right in our little corner of the world. For five hours, I get to work and play with 17 of God's miracles . For five hours, I get to live in a world where the color of the crayons chosen are more important than the color of skin; where the fact that "Mommies" pack lunches with love is more important than the latest diet; where how loud and joyful we are when we sing, and that our praise is as unto God, is more important than how we sound and if we're any good; where the biggest conflicts are solved with prayer, band-aids, "I'm sorry" and a hug; and where we are free to talk about the truth of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit from the time we enter in the morning until we shut the lights off in the afternoon. It's all good in my preschool neighborhood. To God be the glory for the great things He has done and for the hope of more to come.

Love to all y'all!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cloudy with a Chance of Tears

I still am marveling that my precious girl is 16. I am still marveling that God blessed me with that desire of my heart. It is daily that I pray to stand before Him one day and know that I know that I know that Bill and I did all we could to raise Delaney in a way that pleased God. From all of the comments I hear, and the ones I read on Facebook, she is a blessing to those in her life. And she has blessed those who may never know her through her mission work. She certainly blesses my life; though there are days when I could roll her up in a blanket and lock her in the closet for a couple of hours!! I'm sure God feels that way about me sometimes, too! Tonight was a "top-of-the-blanket" rather than rolled-up-in-the-blanket night. Simply love it when she comes in and sits on the bed with me and just dishes and chats me up. She is dealing with some hurt feelings right now. Delaney is mature and handles adversity very well but she hurts sometimes; no matter how mature we are, bruises hurt - heart bruises are often the most painful. She was feeling "cloudy with a chance of tears." These are the times as a parent that I want to go blow up the cause of my child's hurt. As a Christian, I know I must make choices that point to the cross. I don't always make the grade. How grateful I am that God's grace and forgiveness are given to me daily, His mercies are new each morning.

Today was also a "cloudy with a chance of tears" day in my classroom. Several of the children were clingy and tearful; children who normally come in cheerfully were not. Thank goodness they were not arriving at the same time because Ann and I were tending to them and greeting others as they arrived. My rocking chair, a gift from my dear friend Sherry, was rocking into overdrive today. As I rocked and soothed little hearts, I couldn't help but think: how better would we all feel if we could get a little rockin' and a little TLC whenever we felt bruised and pushed around by the world? I talk to my children each day about the depth and breadth of God's power and His love. As much as I teach them to understand this concept, it helps reinforce it in my heart as well. I explain to them that God is so big and strong that He can hold oceans in one hand and the stars in the other, yet He is so small that He and all of His love can fit right inside our hearts - and there's enough of that love for every single human. Amazing doesn't begin to describe that miracle!

Thank you, Lord, for loving me and giving me family and a job I love. Thank you for the love of my children at school. Thank you for a co-teacher who is a hard worker, creative, loving and giving. Thank you for the parents who encourage and uplift me in prayer. Thank you for letting me work and play with your little promises - the future - every day. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love on them when they feel "cloudy with a chance of tears."

Love to all y'all

Monday, September 7, 2009

Welcome to the World, Baby Girl

What a lovely, peaceful weekend! The only thing missing was church. We went out-of-town for the day and had to miss church. Good thing God knows where I am all the time and goes along for the rides. Went to Peg's yesterday to celebrate Delaney's birthday. God, thank you for blessing me with such a loving mother-in-law; Peg's home is a place of rest and refuge from the busy world. She cooked some good groceries and we ate 'til it was almost shameful...almost! The chocolate birthday cake she made, with old-fashioned boiled chocolate icing, was so good it made my teeth ache. I bore the pain and decided to have a second piece. It was a little bittersweet as yesterday was "Grandy Bo Harold's" birthday. Losing him 9 years ago was so difficult and we miss him still. We have comfort in knowing we will one day see Grandy Bo again when we meet our Heavenly Daddy. "Bad Bo" would have laughed at Peg, his nephew Jason and me yesterday plucking freshly killed doves and pulling their breasts out. Thank goodness we had at least the sense God promised a goat and proceeded with the operation outside because the feathers flew, honey! To be such tiny little things, dressing those doves is a messy undertaking (pun intended). Bo would have enjoyed the fellowship afterwards as we sat on the porch, rockin' and talkin'. You can solve the problems of the world given enough time rockin' and talkin' on a porch. I love rocking chairs so much I have one in my classroom; reading to my class while I rock is such a joy!

I fell in love with rocking chairs when my baby girl came along. Delaney Elizabeth "Scout" Remsen was born September 7,1993 at 9:10 p.m. She took her sweet time getting here and right before she made her appearance, we had a scare that she might not make it to this side of heaven. But God's plan was for her to meet the world. He saved her. And He saved me.

Jesus saved me in every way He can save a person. He saved me for Himself and from myself. He saved me to love, serve and worship Him. He saved me from a life of rebellion; from pain without hope or comfort; from trying to fill a God-shaped vacuum in my heart with everything BUT God. He saved me to show me what my parents taught me, that there was a better life out there with Him as my Guide. Do I enjoy a perfect life of constant bliss? Not a chance! He never said I wouldn't fall, that I wouldn't hurt, that happiness would be my constant companion; He said He would always be there. He said this life is a vapor and that life on the other side would be bliss. Like the Bridegroom He is, God will be there for better or worse; He does honor His vows; death will not separate us but will unite us. He also saved me to be Scout's mommy.

When Bill and I were dating and things seemed altar-bound, I had to tell him that biological children were probably not an option. I told him all about endometriosis (more than he wanted to know, truth be told) and my prognosis. When I then told him about my probable infertility, he paused only to take a deep breath and say "Well, if my Grandmother Lottie can do it so can I. I can love someone else's child as my own. Let's look into adoption." What? We had not even set a date but Bill knew his mind and heart. His grandmother married at 19 and instantly had 5 step-children. She went on to have 2 biological children. One would never know the difference in her love and care for those 7 children. She loved them all ...and at times wanted to pinch each and every one of their heads completely off!
Subsequently, Bill experienced my numerous trips to the doctor's office; accompanying me on trips to the emergency room; supporting me through a surgery...all before "I do." Bill doesn't scare easily and he doesn't run from adversity. He even had the pleasure of seeing me after my wisdom teeth were extracted; can you say "chipmunk on Demerol?!" My hormones were out-of-whack, as opposed to in-whack, and at 28 I was experiencing hot flashes, crying jags and gained 40 pounds. Oh yes, it was a formula for relationship success, honey! I felt like a Lifetime disease-of-the-week movie, without the sexy wardrobe and perfect teeth.

In November of 1993, two years after I married, I had a routine test come back as suspicious for cervical cancer. It was devastating. We had tried since our honeymoon to have a baby. Forget home improvement projects, we were on a mission!! We were trying to be fruitful and multiply; the fruitful part we had down pat; it was the multiplying we were having trouble with. (I never have been great at math.) My mother, the undisputed head cheerleader for lost causes everywhere, refused to believe it was God's plan for me to have cancer. She believed I would have a baby. That is NOT what I wanted to hear. I thought she was absolutely nuts and I think I told her that. Then again, maybe not because I still have all of my teeth! I was angry with God, so hurt and I made no attempt to hide my feelings. Constantly, for 2 years I questioned Him, "Why is it that there are women who don't even want children pop them out like peanuts, one after the other, but I couldn't even have one that is the deepest desire of my heart?!" If one more of my well-meaning friends and relatives had told me "God has a plan" it was highly-possible this blog would be coming to you from a women's prison. I was ready to burn down the next person who smiled and lilted one of those Sunday School sayings my way. Then, as Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, surprise, surprise" a biopsy revealed the previous test to be a false-positive. And three weeks after that, I found out I was pregnant. Okay, okay I know, God did have a plan. Delaney Elizabeth was on her way.

You have never seen a woman who was 1 month pregnant try so hard to look like she was showing! I went straight from Dr. Oldham's office to the mall to buy maternity clothes. I was wearing them before nightfall. I was walking so bent back I looked like a sway-backed mule . I did get some strange looks. It seems so ridiculous now but honey I was so happy to be at the multiplying stage that I wanted everyone to know it. By the time I was 6 months along I no longer had to fake that sway-backed mule look. I was in high cotton in those days, beyond thrilled to be a mommy-to-be. Even the eventual swollen feet and general discomfort were a blessing to me. God not only gave me the desire of my heart, He gave me the ability to chose the joy in every aspect of it. "...for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross..." (Hebrews 12:2) The joy of the cross? Who am I NOT to find the joy in each situation? I didn't feel happy about some of the pain and difficulty but I did choose the joy of the situation. I chose joy at knowing the things I was feeling were because I was carrying a promise coming to fruition; joy that if these discomforts didn't exist I wouldn't be receiving this blessing; joy at knowing that a beautiful miracle awaited me at the end.

In my prayers, I had promised God that if He gave me a baby I would raise that child to know Him. Just like Hannah gave Samuel to God as she promised, Bill and I have given Delaney over to Him. Delaney has such a heart for God and His service. She loves church, her youth group, service projects, Bible studies...all aspects of praise, service and worship are where her heart lies. How blessed we are to have a daughter like Delaney, not perfect but who has a daily walk with a perfect Savior. Welcome to the world, Baby Girl!

Love to all y'all!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friends are Family

Thank you, Lord, for one of those just...simply...great days yesterday. Took Scout to school; got my wig fixed (i.e., haircut); ate supper with friends while hubby worked and kiddo was at the ball game. Nothing to set off fireworks about; my joy about the day would probably bore the socks off of a lot of folks. Just digressing here a moment but...I get "knock your socks off" but - how exciting can the life of a sock possibly be that one could do anything SO boring that it would cause aforementioned sock to simply drop off of a foot?? I would imagine the life of a sock is already boring and smelly; even the socks of, say, Lance Armstrong, still don't do anything but sit inside the shoe. Now the shoe, she gets to see some things! The shoes are where it's happening on that end of the body! Just saying... Okay, time to take some meds and get back to the subject of friends.

Cathy is one of my best friends. Working at Grace as preschool teachers brought us together. We hit it off and now we are like peas-in-a-pod! Perhaps because we grew close under some difficult circumstances, we had to be real with each other and right quick, too. No time for the shallow, had to dive right into the deep end together. As firefighters say - you go, we go. God was really looking to bless me when He brought Cathy into my life. She and I are so close you would think we had been friends for decades rather than just 3 years. Cathy has that fragrance the Bible talks about that draws people to her. She has quiet strength and a loving spirit with a servant's heart. Now it is beyond me how God knew that someone as loud, bossy and sorta shameless as me would bond with a gracious, sweet woman like Cathy! He knew I needed someone who would love me "just 'cause!" I am blessed to have other friends like that; loving me just 'cause they want to and not because our bloodline demands it. Cathy and her husband, David, have such a warm, welcoming environment in their home. You sense it as you cross the lawn and see the swing on the porch, blowing in the breeze; the rocking chairs waiting for a taker look so inviting. The shade across the front porch is impossible to resist as it calls for you to "come on, sit down and visit with us." The interior of her home is just as inviting. You feel enveloped by the warmth inside. And once you're friends with the Rawlins family, you ARE family. I feel like the auntie that pops in and out, like Aunt Clara coming down the fireplace on Bewitched. I never know what's going to be happening but I know I want in on it! Their family is as loud, loving and crazy as mine so nothing phases me. We might not have the same D*N*A but we share L*O*V*E and G*O*D.

Reminds me of the sign I have hanging in my home. My friend, Jasmine, has it in hers as well. It absolutely, perfectly describes our family philosophy: In this home...we do second chances; we do grace; we do real; we do mistakes; we do "I'm sorry;" we do LOUD really well; we do hugs; we do family; we do love. Add to that, "we do Jesus" and it's a complete picture. Wouldn't this world be at one with God, and in turn, each other if every household had those as a daily "to do" list?! We really strive for that kind of home. I have expressed to Bill that I want him to want to come home after work. I never want him to feel like "oh boy, I have to go home to her tonight" when he's headed home; a feeling of dread as he pulls in our driveway is a feeling I pray he never experiences. Same goes for my baby girl. Sure doesn't mean we don't have our less-than-stellar moments. Remember the "we do loud real well" part? We, especially me, DO do that! Just because divorce ain't an option doesn't homicide hasn't been pondered! But all of that training would be down the drain and I sure don't have the patience to start from scratch with a new model. (Love you honey, mean it.)

Feeling blessed to have a nice day. Nothing posh, nothing newsworthy...just simple pleasures like the love of a good friend. Much love to all of my "Cathys." You know who you are - I love ya!
Love to all y'all!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's September

Loving, loving, loving this weather! Yesterday on the playground felt like one of those home games in Athens when finally you don't feel the "glow" running down your back, making a puddle in your pants. The munchkins noticed the difference, too, and were so excited about the wind blowing. They were turning their faces towards the wind, sticking their tongues out to "catch" it; like puppies hanging their heads out the car window, they were trying to physically capture the breeze. It seems as if all the rain we had last weekend broke the back of the oppressive humidity. There are some hot days here and there yet to come but nothing like summer days past. There is always a turning point, a day when the change is palpable and you know the season has changed. I've always found it interesting and, frankly, hilarious that one particular date is designated as the official start of summer, June 21st. Down here in God's country we start donning shorts and sandals in March and swimming in late April or early May. Swimming dates depend on if you're in a pool - that's April- or the lake - that's May unless you don't mind being numb from the waist down for 3 days after your dip! Of course trying to wash all that lovely, red, squishy Georgia mud off of your bathing suit, arms, legs, hair, etc. will heat you right up! Then riding with the car windows down because you smell like fish poop and dead leaves will get you good and dry before you hit Pollard's Corner.

When my baby sister was held hostage up north for 2 years...oops...when her husband was transferred to Pennsylvania, she experienced a winter siege that included summer arriving and departing on the same day - July 4th! There were some things Beth enjoyed about the small town in which they lived but weather was not one of them! She had never seen black ice but that's what happens to months of snow that's plowed up in huge drifts on the side of the road. Car exhaust and dirt of every description attaches itself to the drifts; not exactly the pictures on our Christmas cards! And her children were greatly disappointed to find out there aren't "snow days" in that part of the world unless the snow covers the windows. After the first big snowfall the kids were jumping up and down celebrating the anticipated day at home. That's when my sister said, "No snow day. Snow here means long johns under school clothes, snow boots, snow plow, school bus snow tires. Now get ready." Can't you picture those 3 sad little faces dragging themselves around waiting for the bus? Wondering, what happened to one snowflake in Georgia and we run to buy bread, milk and batteries for the long-winter's nap?! Beth said that one morning she was about to peep at the weather thermometer and was silently praying, "God, please let it be above zero." That was the moment she had an epiphany that screamed within her "I am begging for above-zero temperatures. My mama didn't raise me to live like this! Lawd, get me outta' here!" It proved to be their last winter in Pennsylvania. My brother-in-law ain't a dummy, honey.

Speaking of weather, our old pal at Channel 12, Bob Smith, has retired. Tonight at 11 was his last broadcast. For 32 years I've watched "Accu-Bob." That nickname has even become part of this area's colloquial expressions. It's not always used to reference remarks about weather; someone spouts a random fact and the sarcastic response is "Thanks for that report, Accu-Bob!" Bob Smith is a fine Christian man who served our community on and off the air. My mother is a Bob "groupie" and has been keeping one of those Bob Smith Severe Weather guides for years. How will we know when to scream like a girl and hide in the closet if Bob isn't around...and that's just for Bill!

Talked to Mama tonight. She got a good report at the surgeon's office today. She was a bit disappointed that Dr. Duggan didn't take out all the sutures and stitches but the most important thing is..she can go to the beauty shop tomorrow and get her style on! Gotta' get that hair did! My late, great daddy used to tease Mama and tell her that he wouldn't believe she had passed away until he loaded her into the car, rode her past the beauty shop and then if she didn't raise up he'd let Platt's Funeral home take her on downtown!

I was having a cop-a-thon tonight. Watched the real deals and the dramas...The First 48, Crime 360, Law & Order, The Closer. Love me some Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson of the LAPD! And those real female cops down in Broward County are smart and f-i-e-r-c-e ! The criminals don't always get their due but it's not from lack of trying on the part of these women -and their male counterparts. I love those gotcha' moments when the murderers, rapists, child molesters get that deer-in-the-headlights look because they realize they've been caught by these dedicated men and women. I'm married to a former cop, and have cousins retired from the F.B.I., and the Miami/Dade Sheriff's Dept., and an uncle retired from the U. S. Marshals Service. I better not get started - this is a blog for another time.

Hubby is home. Time to frisk him and slap the cuffs on!!
Love to all y'all!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just thoughts

Yesterday was another good day in the K3 neighborhood. We had a little excitement in the form of a surprise fire drill. It was a surprise to everyone! The alarm was mistakenly set-off but we had to treat it as authentic. Our class took it in stride and responded very calmly. Because Ann & I were calm and orderly the children responded in kind. I've seen grown folks lose their minds at the sound of a fire or smoke alarm. Not sure that their screaming and hand-wringing actually enhanced the hysterical, losing-of-the-mind parts of the experience for them but it sure made for hilariously entertaining viewing on my part! Not mean, just honest.

Though I miss, and will always love, my former co-teachers, Ann is a joy! Thank you, Lord, for your plan to team us up this year. We already have that short-hand between us that usually takes a few weeks - sometimes months- to develop. Ann has a heart for Jesus and for children. She has so many good ideas and brings a new perspective to the classroom that is always welcome. It makes for a great dynamic to have a teacher new to Grace blended with one who has experience working at Grace. Though I strive to find new ideas, techniques, craft and recipe ideas, it helps keep things fresh in the classroom to throw someone new into the mix. Don't worry, Ann, I wouldn't really let anyone throw you - we gotta' stick together! It's us against 17 munchkins - yikes! But the worst that could happen in the case of a K3 rebellion is sticky kisses, handprints everywhere, a centers take-over and possibly a marker revolt. I can see it now...the girls would put on every article of girlie clothing and accessories in the dress-up box and probably demand that the boys put on the hero clothes (fireman, Batman, Army); the treasure box would be emptied into book bags; the markers would be seized and used until they ran dry; and if the overthrow happened before lunch, then desserts would be blatantly consumed before veggies!! And, film at 11.

Scout piled up in the bed with me last night and snuggled for a little while. "Bliss" is the word I use to describe the feeling I have when we sit up in my bed, chatting; sometimes about random, trivial stuff and sometimes about serious subjects and situations. I just love that "my Delaney" confides in me and values my opinion. That curly-haired girl that loved to play dress-up and called herself "Cinderella" for a month is older but still in there; dressing up for real now for church and for school functions; dressing up in a band uniform to take the field and play what she's so diligently practiced; sporting a nickname, Scout, that truly stuck because Cinderella was unavailable! I know that she is close to her friends, too, and that I'm not completely "in" that world but that is as it should be. With God's help, Bill & I have raised her in accordance with Biblical teachings and stand on Proverbs 22:8 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." I trust her until she gives me a reason not to trust her. It gives me comfort to know there are other Christian adults in Scout's life that she loves, trusts and in whom she can confide should she ever need a shoulder and/or sound advice. Thank you, God, for answering my prayer for the gift of life. Like Hannah, I truly promised God that if He gave me a child I would honor that gift by raising the child to have a servant's heart and to love Him. God has honored Scout's love and service to Him by providing her with tools to serve Him- in the form of a dedicated youth pastor,Bryan Carter; a dynamic youth group; and many servant leaders. Scout, I am one lucky and loved mother and am proud to know you!

Today was another good day in the K3 neighborhood. It was cool all day today but wet so we couldn't enjoy the outdoors. Boo! Rachel came home with me this afternoon. She is like having a 3-year old, 3-foot tall Lucille Ball around. She is such a hoot! She says the funniest things, sometimes on purpose, sometimes not. When we got home, I got out to unlock the front door and I told her to "sit tight" and then I'd get her out of her carseat. She patted the shoulder straps and said "It's not too tight, it's just right. It's okay, I'll be here when you get back." Once inside Rachel just proceeded to make herself right at and socks off, propped up on the couch with her legs crossed and her hands up behind her head. I gave her a cup of chocolate milk which she eyed a bit suspiciously. She took a tiny sip, smacked her lips together, smiled and said, "That tastes okay I think. Just leave it there and I may have some later." Really?! Should I have let her sniff the plastic top to the milk jug? Should I open it and let it sit 5 minutes before serving so it can breathe? Was last week a good one for the chocolate milk harvest? My word.

Hubby is home. Love that man of mine...especially since he stopped on the way home for milk and bathroom tissue. What can I say? Doesn't take much to make this girl happy. Thank you, Lord, for simple pleasures. Time for a little marital bliss.
Love to all y'all!