Spent most of the day Friday @ University Hospital with Mama. She had a little cosmetic surgery as a follow-up to her double mastectomy procedure; no reconstruction was her choice but she needed a bit of refinement of her skin. Teri & Dennis (sis & b-in-law) there, too. Honey, Mama held court in that day surgery building! From the time Mama hit the door downstairs, to wheeling out after her procedure, she was a 4'11" tornado of Southern charm and Christian faith! It was more like a party going on in her room than awaiting, and recovering from, surgery. Amazing grace indeed! I went home with her afterwards and we watched every make-over show TLC airs. She was up before me Saturday morning, though neither of us beat the chickens awake. My sweet hubby kept the home fires burning and took care of supper, etc Saturday night. Thankful to Laura & Ben for taking Scout to Greenbrier in time for her to catch the band bus to the ball game @ Evans. Thank you, Lord, for the little things family & friends are willing to do that make life easier.
If Daddy were alive, he and Mama would celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary today. They were about 7 weeks shy of 60 years when God called Daddy home suddenly on July 4, 2007. While it makes me sad, I choose the joy in the situation; joy at the beautiful, loving, Biblical picture of marriage that I witnessed; joy at knowing he was loved enough on this side of heaven by a wife who was a helpmate, friend, partner, sister in Christ; loved enough by 4 girls who used to fight over who got his cigar band and who would put on his slippers (were we crazy or what?!); joy at having not just a father, but a daddy. I had a daddy who came home every night; a daddy who played board games with us on Saturday nights (and did NOT let us win, either); a daddy who believed in his 4 girls and never doubted we could do anything; a daddy who showed us how we should be treated by a husband. Daddy lived, "Jesus first, wife second, children third" then church, work etc. He said if one honored the first 3 that the rest of one's list/life would fall into the proper priority. Daddy was an encourager to so many, pushing them to believe in themselves. My daddy was not perfect and we saw that, too. But he walked daily with a perfect Savior. I choose the joy in all of the wonderful stories people shared with my mama, sisters and me at Daddy's visitation and funeral; the joy in knowing he quietly encouraged and assisted so many people - some I knew about, many I did not. Daddy wanted people to believe in their abilities- and that they were absolutely God's gift- and wanted them to follow whatever was God's plan for them. Daddy wanted everyone to see the love he had for his wife and daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, siblings, scads of nieces, etc. Rev. Joey Thompson preached Daddy's funeral and after my sisters and I finished (each) sharing our thoughts about Daddy, the first thing Joey said was, "After that, if you have the urge to hug your wife and children, please go ahead and do so now." Daddy wasn't rich nor famous but our home church seats about 800-1000 downstairs and the church was filled. Every walk of life was represented because Daddy did not offer his friendship to position but to people.
There are days I miss Daddy so deeply that it physically hurts; my heart is brimming and feels as though it could burst. How blessed I am that there were no unspoken words between us. I wasted so many years being rebellious. For many years we were like 2 raccoons tied up in a sack and thrown in the river; we were in it together but we sure didn't like it and fought like the devil to get away from each other!
But once I was again on the right path and putting God first, Daddy and I spent many happy hours together. He never allowed the past to cloud our present or future. He absolutely and completely forgave me. Daddy was an earthly picture of a Heavenly Daddy.
I love you and miss you, Daddy. I know I will see you again. Keep the porch light on until I get home!
Love to all y'all!